Need advice on Modern Germanic

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Need advice on Modern Germanic


This is the first time I've really posted anything on Wiktionary, I mostly just lurk (although I do want to improve the Proto-Germanic entries!) around, but I stumbled upon your Modern Germanic page, and having a huge interest in Indo-European languages, particularly Proto-Germanic, as well as experience and even gem-pro-1 fluency (I know some basic words), I made several modern words. However, I do want to ask you a question, and that is if I could possibly, instead of making calques and borrowings, I could trace back PIE roots and make a fictional PGmc word?

Also, I notice in things like Greek and Sanskrit that their predecessor proto-languages don't have entries. Could I reconstruct the word in said proto-language from PIE via. sound laws on Wikipedia and make a new page if I post words with descendants, or do I have to take a reconstructed word from a book and post a source?

Þek þankō,

Secondhand Work (talk)14:01, 6 March 2017

You don't need to take it from a book, but it does still need to stand up to scrutiny. That means you need a good knowledge of the sound laws involved. You can ask if in doubt.

CodeCat15:21, 6 March 2017

Thanks. I'll start contributing when I get home, and I plan to heavily expand Proto-Indo-Iranian and Proto-Hellenic, as well as fix Proto-Germanic red links.

Also, can anyone create templates like pro-gem 4, or can only people like admins edit them?

Secondhand Work (talk)16:57, 6 March 2017

I think anyone can create them, but nobody has level 4 proficiency in Proto-Germanic, so it's pointless to have it.

CodeCat17:00, 6 March 2017

I would still like to create it. I feel someone could be level 4 eventually. I also feel like there are enough words that, if you took effort to memorize it all, to have level 4 proficiency in it, at least with the vocabulary that you would find in 300 AD (The date Wikipedia says PG started breaking up).

Besides, I think this is more of an 'everything must be blue even though this is extremely illogical and pointless to have!' reason for me, to fulfill my desire of fixing red links. Would it be directly against the rules to create Level 0 and Level 4 templates and Native templates for these languages or would it simply be pointless?

Thanks again,

Secondhand Work (talk)19:16, 24 March 2017

If you created it, I'd nominate it for deletion.

CodeCat19:26, 24 March 2017

Alright, I won't do it on WT: Babel. I would still need to be content, so I'll probably create it in my sandbox and leave it there. At least I can do it in my sandbox only, right?

Secondhand Work (talk)19:28, 24 March 2017

Yes, that's fine.

CodeCat19:43, 24 March 2017

I always thought that proto-language babel boxes are just a way to indicate one's knowledge of comparative [language group] studies, if someone had a PHD in Germanic philology or is a leading scholar or whatever, I think it would be natural for them to have a pro-gem 4 regardless of how they'd fare in a silly time-travel scenario.

Crom daba (talk)21:43, 24 March 2017

I suppose that makes sense.

CodeCat21:45, 24 March 2017

To be fair, if it was a time travel thing, just having a PHD in Germanic phonology won't cut it. Babel boxes are about knowledge of how to speak the language itself, meaning speaking it without the need of a dictionary. I would imagine a pro-gem 4 would be someone who can hold advanced conversations in the language from memory, and not simply one who knows about the language. Think about a babel box for a user who wants to put in his skill of, say, Spanish. He can know everything about the grammar, conjugation, and phonology, but he knows very few words and can hold the most basic of conversations - that would still be es-1, because he can only speak a little of the language.

I put myself as gem-pro 1 because, despite knowing a lot of the language structure, grammar, and phonology, I only know a small selection of the lexicon and can speak basic phrases and questions from memory. If it was from study, I would put myself as gem-pro 3, to be honest. I'm translating the Bible into Proto-Germanic, but from Wiktionary resources instead of from my head. Does this make me gem-pro 1 or gem-pro 3?

That's what I think Babel boxes are for, anyways.

Secondhand Work (talk)02:22, 25 March 2017

But other non-language boxes like boxes for coding languages, scripts,... are exactly that : one's knowledge in a field. Nobody can ever be a gem-pro-4 like someone can be a sp-4. But someone can be a gem-pro-4 like someone is lua-4. At least that's how I think about it.

Julien Daux (talk)03:07, 25 March 2017

Ideally, our PHD would know not only soundlaw algebras and conjugations, but also have an excellent grasp of Gothic, Old Norse, ...; which would afford him a solid (Proto-)Germanic vocabulary.

Crom daba (talk)10:24, 25 March 2017

Anyone can have an excellent grasp of Gothic and Old Norse if they studied it. So, yeah, probably, but it depends on what he remembers.

Secondhand Work (talk)13:48, 25 March 2017