PGmc adverbs update

Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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There is another paper available on titled "Consonant Gradation in the Proto-Germanic Iteratives" by Guus Kroonen as well, which I guess would be a shorter follow-up.

Anglom (talk)15:33, 8 April 2014

One thing I was wondering about. Should not Proto-Germanic *ana have lost the final vowel?

Is it possible that there were two originally distinct forms, *an(from earlier *ana) and, say, *anǭ or *anē?

Anglom (talk)02:58, 11 April 2014

Final -a is not preserved in any Germanic language that has a body of any decent size. It's only found in Proto-Norse runic inscriptions, and those attest only a few words.

CodeCat03:00, 11 April 2014

Sorry, I meant the preposition *ana.

Anglom (talk)03:03, 11 April 2014

As far as I know, the preposition was just *an. The final vowels were proper to the adverbial forms, which is detailed in the paper.

CodeCat03:18, 11 April 2014

I'm sorry, I have confused myself here. So the preposition *ana, ("on, onto"), should only be Proto-Germanic *an? And I meant, did the form giving Gothic, Old High German, Old Dutch and Old Saxon *ana, ("on, onto") come from a variant of *an, possibly adverbial?

Anglom (talk)03:40, 11 April 2014

I think so, but I don't know for sure. Maybe you should read the paper yourself if you can find it?

CodeCat12:54, 11 April 2014

Ah. I've read it, I just didn't know that it also applied to *ana as I didn't seem him mention it. Sorry for the confusion.

Anglom (talk)15:23, 11 April 2014