
Fragment of a discussion from User talk:Rua
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For reasons unbeknownst to me, the spambot operators seem to have a fixation on new userpages. I'm sure they'll learn. To the best of my knowledge, we have gotten no offers from larger wikis to help us fight vandalism. If you can put us in touch with someone who wants to import more advanced abuse filters to en.wiktionary and suit them to our needs, I for one would greatly appreciate that.

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds18:43, 15 July 2013

Just borrow one of the more advanced filters, or keep some kind of whitelist or something. I shouldn't have had to post here twice just to create my userpage. That's just a waste of time.</pointless rant>

TCN7JM19:57, 15 July 2013

Right, because ridiculous user pages are less of a waste of time than stopping spam and we should obviously spend the time to maintain a whitelist of every active wikipedia editor.

DTLHS (talk)20:07, 15 July 2013

People who actually contribute to this wiki have no problems creating a userpage. people who don't contribute have no business wanting a userpage.

SemperBlotto (talk)20:59, 15 July 2013

I've been told by a steward that the CheckUsers on this wiki should either have access to some sort of repository for the private abusefilters, or should be able to ask around to have them imported. I'm not exactly sure how it works, not being a CheckUser myself.

Rschen775409:45, 16 July 2013