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"inflected-form" isn't a valid form value. The only valid ones are plural, diminutive, genitive, diminutive-plural, genitive-and-plural, plural-definite, plural-indefinite, singular-definite, vocative, singular-vocative, plural-vocative, third-person-singular, present-participle, simple-past, past-participle, simple-past-and-participle, present, past, infinitive, imperative, positive, comparative, superlative, and exaggerated (pretty sure that's all).

Yair rand (talk)04:14, 12 December 2012

How unfortunate. Can you add inflected-form as an option? (If you don't, I'll try, but we all know that there's a fair chance you'll have to revert me if I do it.)

Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds04:21, 12 December 2012