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  • Page 217 абрек: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template абрэ́к probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation abrɛ́k contains Latin
  • Page 514 агробизнес: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template агроби́знэс probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation agrobíznɛs contains Latin
  • Page 539 адаптер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template ада́птэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation adáptɛr contains Latin
  • Page 556 адекватно: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template адэква́тно probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation adɛkvátno contains Latin
  • Page 1187 аннексия: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template аннэ́ксия probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation annɛ́ksija contains Latin
  • Page 1733 Атропатена: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Атропатэ́на probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Atropatɛ́na contains Latin
  • Page 1771 аутсайдер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template аутса́йдэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation autsájdɛr contains Latin
  • Page 1801 африкандер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template африка́ндэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation afrikándɛr contains Latin
  • Page 2096 Бастер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Бастэ́р probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Bastɛ́r contains Latin
  • Page 2486 бета: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template бэ́та probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation bɛ́ta contains Latin
  • Page 2777 бойфренд: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template бо̀йфрэ́нд probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation bojfrɛ́nd contains Latin
  • Page 3145 будь что будет: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template будь што бу́дет probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation budʹ što búdet contains Latin
  • Page 3313 бэбиситтер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template бэ̀биси́тэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation bebisíttɛr contains Latin
  • Page 5927 групповой секс: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template группово́й сэкс probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation gruppovój sɛ́ks contains Latin
  • Page 6329 дело в том, что: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template дѐло в то́м, што probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation délo v tóm, što contains Latin
  • Page 6391 дерби: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template дэ́рби probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation dɛ́rbi contains Latin
  • Page 6466 дефиле: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template дэфиле́ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation dɛfilé contains Latin
  • Page 7159 Душанбе: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Душанбэ́ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Dušanbɛ́ contains Latin
  • Page 7886 законопроект: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template зако̀нопроэ́кт probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation zakònoproékt contains Latin
  • Page 8349 зеттабайт: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template зэттаба́йт probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation zɛttabájt contains Latin
  • Page 9742 катетер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template катэ́тэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation katɛ́tɛr contains Latin
  • Page 9764 кафешка: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template кафэ́шка probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation kafɛ́ška contains Latin
  • Page 10127 Кнессет: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Кнэ́ссэт probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Knɛ́ssɛt contains Latin
  • Page 10522 Коннелли: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Ко́нэлли probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Kónnɛlli contains Latin
  • Page 11095 крузейро: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template крузэ́йро probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation kruzɛ́jro contains Latin
  • Page 11735 Лилонгве: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Лило́нгвэ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Lilóngvɛ contains Latin
  • Page 11941 лотерея: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template лотэре́я probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation lotɛréja contains Latin
  • Page 12142 Мазендеран: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Мазэндэра́н probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Mazɛndɛrán contains Latin
  • Page 12296 Манхэттен: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Манхэ́тэн probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Manxɛ́tten contains Latin
  • Page 12379 Массачусетс: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Массачу́сэтс probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Massačúsɛts contains Latin
  • Page 12566 менеджер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template мэ́нэджер probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation mɛ́nɛdžer contains Latin
  • Page 12736 Микронезия: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Микронэ́зия probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Mikronɛ́zija contains Latin
  • Page 12938 модель: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template модэ́ль probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation modɛ́lʹ contains Latin
  • Page 16266 Па-де-Кале: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Па-дэ-Кале́ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Pa-dɛ-Kalé contains Latin
  • Page 16489 партер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template партэ́р probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation partɛ́r contains Latin
  • Page 18268 Порт-о-Пренс: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template По̀рт-о-Прэ́нс probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Port-o-Prɛ́ns contains Latin
  • Page 21470 Сан-Томе и Принсипи: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Сан-Томэ́ и При́нсипи probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation San-Tomɛ́ i Prínsipi contains Latin
  • Page 21943 Сент-Китс и Невис: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Сэнт-Ки́тс и Нэ́вис probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Sɛnt-Kíts i Nɛ́vis contains Latin
  • Page 21944 Сент-Люсия: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Сэнт-Люси́я probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Sɛnt-Ljusíja contains Latin
  • Page 23594 Стрейзанд: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Стрэ́йзанд probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Strɛ́jzand contains Latin
  • Page 23940 Сьерра-Леоне: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Сье́ра-Лео́нэ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Sʹjérra-Leónɛ contains Latin
  • Page 24139 Твиттер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Тви́тэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Tvíttɛr contains Latin
  • Page 24218 Тель-Авив: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Тэль-Ави́в probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Tɛlʹ-Avív contains Latin
  • Page 24244 Теннесси: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Тэннэсси́ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Tɛnnɛssí contains Latin
  • Page 24857 Туапсе: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Туапсэ́ probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Tuapsɛ́ contains Latin
  • Page 25887 Фареры: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Фарэ́ры probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Farɛ́ry contains Latin
  • Page 26069 Фолкнер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Фо́лкнэр probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Fólknɛr contains Latin
  • Page 26325 Хеллоуин: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Хэлоуи́н probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Xɛllouín contains Latin
  • Page 27498 штекер: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template штэ́кер probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation štɛ́ker contains Latin
  • Page 27642 Эйбел: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Э́йбэл probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Éjbɛl contains Latin
  • Page 27644 Эйнштейн: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Эйнштэ́йн probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Ejnštɛ́jn contains Latin
  • Page 27700 экспрессия: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template экспрэ́ссия probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation ɛksprɛ́ssija contains Latin
  • Page 27742 электроэнергетика: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template электроэнэрге́тика probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation ɛlektroɛnɛrgétika contains Latin
  • Page 27794 Энергия: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template Энэ́ргия probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation Enɛ́rgija contains Latin
  • Page 27796 энергоресурс: WARNING: Existing pronunciation template энэргоресу́рс probably needs phon= because headword-derived pronunciation ɛnɛrgoresúrs contains Latin