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A term used to refer to wealthy kids who squandered large sums of money given to them by their parents. It is a combination of the following terms.

Broke - [adj] lacking funds; "`skint' is a British slang term"

Trust Fund - [n] a fund held in trust / something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father" it is a legal entity

Baby - \Ba"by\ (b[=a]"b[y^]), n.; [n] an immature childish person; "he remained a child in practical matters as long as he lived"; "stop being a baby!"

Reference proper usage

Broke Trust Fund Baby (B.T.F.B.):

Two categories of B.T.F.B.

Type A- An individual who lived a privileged life until coming of age, and leaving their parents home. Once doing so they squandered the money in their trust in such a excessive manner that their parents refuse to give them anymore money.

Type B - An individual that comes from wealth but refusees to accept their parents money, and prefers to make it on their own even if it means not being able to live the luxurious lifestyle they did under their parents roof.

No matter the case, a broke trust fund baby is an individual that spits in the face of social conventions. They live their lives the way they want and do not care what their parents or anyone else thinks of it. They have no problem expressing themselves and do so without regard for other peoples feelings. A B.T.F.B. believes that having fun is the most important thing in life. They will party at all costs and don't believe something is worth doing unless it is a good time. Gambling, travel, food, booze, drugs, sex, art, music, and film are some of a broke trust fund baby's favorite things.

The B.T.F.B. does not care about money, but their great at spending it. They wish only to live every day to the fullest by doing whatever they want whenever they want.

Synonyms: Trust Fund Baby

Related Terms: