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G stem (I-1)[edit]


parāsum - iparras - iptaras - iprus - purus - pārisum - parsum (paris-)
Type Infinitive Class Durative Perfect Preterite Imperative Participle Verbal Adjective (base)
Sound verbs PaRāSum a iPaRRaS iPtaRaS iPRaS PaRaS
(irr: PiRaS)
PāRiSum PaRSum (PaRVS-: mostly V=i, but sometimes V=a or V=u)
a-u iPRuS PuRuS
u iPaRRuS iPtaRuS
i iPaRRiS iPtaRiS iPRiS PiRiS
PeRēSum iPeRReS/iPaRRiS iPteReS/iPtaRiS iPReS/iPRiS PeReS/PiRiS
Type Infinitive Class Durative Perfect Preterite Imperative Participle Verbal Adjective (base)
III-weak verbs PaRûm a iPaRRa iPtaRa iPRa PiRa Pārûm (PāRi-) PaRûm (PaRi-)
u iPaRRu iPtaRu iPRu PuRu
i iPaRRi iPtaRi iPRi PiRi
PeRûm e iPeRRe/iPaRRe iPteRe iPRe PeRe/PiRe PēRûm (PēRi-) PeRûm/PaRûm (PeRi-/PaRi)

Sound verbs (old)[edit]

G Stem[edit]

  • Infinitive: R₁aR₂āR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁a (/e)R₂R₂V₁R₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁R₂V₂R₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁V2 (irreg: i)R₂V₂R₃

Class a-u[edit]

  • V₁ = a, V₂ = u

parāsum G (durative iparras, preterite iprus)

Class a[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = a

ṣabātum G (durative iṣabbat, preterite iṣbat)

Irregular imperative[edit]
  • 5 class a verbs have irregular imperative: lamādum, rakābum, palāḫum, takālum, pašāḫum:
    palāḫum G (durative ipallaḫ, preterite iplaḫ, imperative pilaḫ)

Class i[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = i

šarāqum G (durative išarriq, preterite išriq)

Class e[edit]
  • Some class i verbs have e where a/i are expected, but regular forms can also be found:

qerēbum G (durative iqerreb/iqarrib, preterite iqreb/iqrib)

Class u[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = u

maqātum G (durative imaqqut, preterite imqut)

III-weak verbs[edit]

  • Third-week verbs work exactly like sound verbs, but they've lost the last consonant. The V of the preterite is always the same as the V of the durative (so there's no class a-u verbs)

G Stem[edit]

  • Infinitive: R₁aR₂ûm
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁a (/e)R₂R₂V₁
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁R₂V₂
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁V2 (all class a and, as a variant to e, also class e: i)R₂V₂

Class a[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = a

malûm G (durative imalla, preterite imla, imperative mila)

Class e[edit]
  • Some class a verbs have e instead of a, but the form with a can also be found:
  • V₁ = V₂ = e

leqûm G (durative ileqqe/ilaqqe, preterite ilqe, imperative leqe/liqe)

Class i[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = i

banûm G (durative ibanni, preterite ibni, imperative bini)

Class u[edit]

  • V₁ = V₂ = u

manûm G (durative imannu, preterite imnu, imperative munu)

I-weak verbs[edit]


G Stem[edit]

  • Infinitive: naR₂āR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): inaR₂R₂V₁R₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₂R₂V₂R₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): V₂R₂V₂R₃
  • Same rules as sound verbs apply to first-n verbs in the durative. In the preterite the initial n (R₁) assimilates to R₂, producing a reduplication of R₂. The N disappears from the imperative. E.g.:
    nadānum (class i, durative inaddin, preterite iddin (from original indin with assimilation of R₁ n to R₂ d), imperative idin)
    naqārum (class a-u, rudartive inaqqar, preterite iqqur, imperative uqur)


G Stem[edit]

  • Infinitive: a (/e)R₂ā (/ē)R₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₂R₂V₁R₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): īR₂V₂R₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): a (/e)R₂V₂R₃
Dual class verbs[edit]
  • Some verbs might be conjugated following the paradigm of two different classes, depending on the scribe or time period, e.g. epēšum can be class e-u (ippeš/īpuš) or, in later Old Babylonian texts, class u (ippuš/īpuš).
alākum (irregular)[edit]


  • First-w verbs can be either active or stative. Their conjugation will be different, depending on which type they belong to.


Active - class a-i[edit]
  • Infinitive: waR₂āR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): uR₂R₂aR₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): uR₂iR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₂iR₃
babālum (irregular)[edit]
  • babālum, class a-i (durative ubbal, preterite ubil, imperative bil)
Stative - all class i[edit]

Stative first-w verbs are conjugated like I-e verbs.

  • Infinitive: waR₂āR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₂R₂iR₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): īR₂iR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): — (not attested)

II-weak verbs[edit]


G Stem[edit]

  • R₂ = w
  • Infinitive: R₁âR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁â R₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁ūR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁ūR₃


G Stem[edit]

  • R₂ = y
  • Infinitive: R₁R₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁īa R₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁īR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁īR₃



G Stem[edit]
  • R₂ = a
  • Infinitive: R₁âR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁âR₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁āR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁āR₃


G Stem[edit]
  • R₂ = e (forms with R₂ = a are uncommon, but possible)
  • Infinitive: R₁êR₃um
  • Durative (3rd person singular): iR₁êR₃
  • Preterite (3rd person singular): iR₁ēR₃
  • Imperative (second person singular): R₁ēR₃

Doubly week verbs[edit]

Akkadian verb template[edit]

Desired template[edit]


  • |1= > stem (G, D, N, etc)
  • |2= > class (au, a, i, u, ai)
  • |3= > irregular imperative (only when irregular)

Output example[edit]