User talk:Andyc

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Hi Andyc.

It's good that you've taken an interest in the Japanese on Wiktionary but I'm afraid you're going about things the wrong way. A dictionary is chiefly about words. Dictionaries dealing with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean also have to deal with characters - but not at the expense of the words. The compounds on the page are all words and should be wikified as words. We do not break up English words into letters or morphemes. An entry for one character is not the place to look up entire words. Each word should have its own full-sized entry. The character pages are there as full-sized entries on the character and to provide hyperlinks to words using the character. Hyperlinks to different characters in various words forming compounds with the current character is just to abstract to be useful. Certainly far less useful than linking to entire words.

Please continue to contribute in the current accepted fashion for Japanese articles. If you feel our methods could be improved, then by all means start a discussion in the Beer Parlour but do not just start changing a whole bunch of articles like this, especially as a new contributor. — Hippietrail 01:48, 25 Mar 2005 (UTC)

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