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Blend of Victor +‎ Yuuri.

Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) The ship of characters Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki of the anime Yuri on Ice.
    • 2016 October 22, julie (@_snowthunder), Twitter[1]:
      How does one watch this show without shipping Victuuri #YOI
    • 2018 March 6, @silvipinto, Twitter[2]:
      I've been reading Victuuri fics heavy on the feels.
    • 2023 December 8, Alley (@thealleyways_), Twitter[3]:
      There must be a Venn diagram of Hailaveh shippers and Victuuri shippers and I'm smack bang in the middle of it bb
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:Victuuri.