con le orecchie tese

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Alternative forms




Literally, with (the) taut ears.

Prepositional phrase


con le orecchie tese

  1. with open ears
    • 2024 July 4, Agenzia Vista Alexander Jakhnagiev, “Schlein attacca: “La destra sa solo fomentare la paura, ma non risolve i problemi”. Poi il monito: “Non dimentichiamo la ferita dell’astensionismo” [Schlein attacks: "The right can only foment fear, but does not solve problems". Then the warning: "Let's not forget the wound of abstentionism"]”, in il Fatto Quotidiano[1]:
      “Non dobbiamo dimenticare una ferita della democrazia. Troppa gente ha smesso di credere che la politica e il loro voto facciano la differenza. Per questo non dobbiamo fermarci, continuiamo a stare con i piedi per terra e le orecchie tese per sentire i bisogni delle persone”, ha concluso.
      "We must not forget a wound of democracy. Too many people have stopped believing that politics and voting make a difference. That is why we cannot stop; we stay grounded and keep our ears open to listen to people's needs", she concluded.
      (literally, “.... For this [reason] we must not stop; we continue to stay with our feet on the ground and with open ears to listen to people's needs....”)