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From countering +‎ -ly.



counteringly (comparative more counteringly, superlative most counteringly)

  1. (rare) In a manner that counters someone or something.
    • 1887 March 12, “Eight Savage Rounds”, in St. Louis Globe-Democrat, volume 12, number 292, St. Louis, Mo., page 7, column 3:
      Round 3. Both men came up cautiously and sparred for wind. Morris landed on the other man’s jaw, Hornbacher counteringly heavily on the body.
    • 1968 September 29, “Inside Today’s Journal-Courier”, in Jacksonville Daily Journal in Combination with The Jacksonville Courier, volume 16, number 39, Jacksonville, Ill., page 1, column 6:
      PSYCHOLOGY TESTS which may determine whether you get or keep a job in today’s computerized employment market are counteringly termed an essential hiring tool and an invasion of privacy.
    • 1980, Ruth Allison, chapter 10, in The Love Goddess, Encino, Calif.: World-Wide Publishing Company, Inc., →ISBN, page 170:
      He heard the mewling moans of passion coming from the throats of both women, and counteringly there were also the more muted sounds of moistly moving tongues and lips.
    • 1993 winter, Kingsley Widmer, “Anarchist Aesthetics: A Few Notes Towards a Libertarian View of the Arts”, in Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, volume 13, number 1/35, Columbia, Mo.: C.A.L. [Columbia Anarchist League] Press, →ISSN, page 53, column 2:
      No doubt my aesthetic reflections are partly crippled from my being an habitual inmate of libraries and museums, and fettered with the intellectual’s defensive irony. Hence I self-skeptically make no totalizing claim for any anarchist aesthetic, which may well find other freedoms than mine. But one can, I libertarianly hope, also counteringly learn. Artful play is where you find and live it, like the bird against the contrary winds.
    • 1997, Elizabeth Tallent, “Listen to Reason”, in The Good Housekeeping Short Story Collection, London: Arrow Books Limited, Random House UK Ltd, →ISBN, page 174:
      The problem was, he wasn’t allowing her to make anything sound final. His patience with her extended itself deftly, counteringly, before any move she thought to make.
    • 1998, A. Robert Lee, “Equilibrium Out of Their Chaos: Black Modernism, Black Postmodernism and Leon Forrest’s Witherspoon-Bloodworth Trilogy”, in Designs of Blackness: Mappings in the Literature and Culture of Afro-America, London, Sterling, Va.: Pluto Press, →ISBN, page 187:
      Noah, symptomatically, speaks of chaos, ‘madness and constant troubled confusions’. Nathaniel agrees, but, counteringly, invokes the music of Ironwood, the jazz and blues of the ‘wounded … blind bard warrior’ as offering black spiritual harmonizations amid all the disorder.
    • 2004, Gary Lutz, “Uncle”, in Peter Conners, editor, PP/FF: An Anthology, Buffalo, N.Y.: Starcherone Books, published 2006, →ISBN, page 179:
      I would have to remind her, counteringly, that you don’t pick the person who fronts your life—you get picked, you watch the picker’s ankles vanish into the scrunched socks afterward (his whole body going blank behind the blue-black of the uniform), and the picker goes off in the starkest of transportations: you keep an ear cocked ever after for the return of his van and its paraphernalian clatter in the gravelled driveway.
    • 2018, John Zeugner, “A, B, C, Kiet Hoang, Waldo Jelliffe”, in This Footstool Earth, Eugene, Ore.: Resource Publications, Wipf and Stock Publishers, →ISBN:
      There was something counteringly magical about the rocking motion of the boat as it crested the small waves of the sea out from the coast, and a rhythm to the little pound the hull made over each crest, the little lunge forward toward the wider ocean, as if deliberately draining away memory.