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de- +‎ hybridization



dehybridization (plural dehybridizations)

  1. (botany) The production of genetically stable offspring from an F1 hybrid
  2. (quantum mechanics, physical chemistry) The reversal of hybridization; the separation of hybrid orbitals into distinct atomic orbitals.
    • 2015 October 8, “Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticle-Based Interdigitated Electrodes: A Novel Current to Voltage DNA Biosensor Recognizes E . coli O157:H7”, in PLOS ONE[1], →DOI:
      NaOH was selected as the medium for dehybridization instead of NaCl [37, 38 ]because the use of NaCl solution tends to leave a salt precipitate on top of the device, even though it had been rinsed with DIwater.