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Deverbal of desacordar.





desacord m (plural desacords)

  1. disagreement
    Antonym: acord
    • 2017 January, “Rufián, sobre els fanalets independentistes: "Jo no ho faria"”, in El Periódico[1]:
      Rufián va evitar carregar les tintes contra les entitats i es va dedicar més a denunciar la «polèmica orquestrada» per PP i C’s, però sí que va admetre el seu desacord amb la idea que la reivindicació secessionista estigui present en un acte on els protagonistes són els nens: «No m’agrada, a alguns ens grinyola.
      Rufián avoided wielding his pen against the entities and devoted himself more to denouncing the "orchestrated controversy" created by the People's Party and Citizens, but he did admit his disagreement with the idea of having the secessionist claim present at an action where the protagonists were children: "I don't like it, it grates on some of us."
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Further reading
