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else +‎ web, after the pattern of elsewhere.



elseweb (not comparable)

  1. (Internet) At some other place on the Internet.
    • 2007 July 2, nickie{D}, “netiquette: top vs bottom posting”, in alt.polyamory[1] (Usenet):
      Elseweb there is a discussion about top vs bottom posting.
    • 2008 March 20, Penelope Periwinkle, “Re: For Bill”, in soc.singles.moderated[2] (Usenet):
      I just got through telling this story elseweb this morning.
    • 2011 October 26, Dom, “Re: -[I]- Nobel prizes”, in alt.fan.pratchett[3] (Usenet):
      Heh, well you know I remember The Herbs, from an icon I use elseweb :-)
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:elseweb.