exponential object

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The exponential object (with evaluation morphism ) indexes morphisms from Y to Z in a universal way, which means that for a family of morphisms from Y to Z indexed by X (with evaluation morphism ), there is a unique morphism , called the transpose of g, such that g factors through with cofactor .



exponential object (plural exponential objects)

  1. (category theory) An object which indexes a family of arrows between two given objects in a universal way, meaning that any other indexed family of arrows between the same given pair of objects must factor uniquely through this universally-indexed family of arrows.
    An exponential object generalizes its interpretation in category ; namely, that of as a function set or internal hom-set.
    The pair is the terminal object of the comma category . Therefore the exponential object is a kind of universal morphism.



See also

  • currying exportation_(logic) (an instance of which is the transpositioning  in the figure)
  • modus ponens (homologous to the universal evaluation morphism, )