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Blend of female +‎ MRA.


  • IPA(key): /ˌfɛm ˌɑː(ɹ) ˈeɪ/



feMRA (plural feMRAs)

  1. A female men's rights activist (MRA).
    • 2016, Lise Gotell, Emily Dutton, “Sexual Violence in the 'Manosphere': Antifeminist Men’s Rights Discourses on Rape”, in International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, volume 5, number 2, page 74:
      On the websites we examined, it was very often feMRAs – female men’s rights activists – who were the strongest critics of rape culture, with activists like Straughan (2013), Fiamengo (2014) and Barbara Kay (2014a, 2014b) taking the lead in contesting feminist arguments.
    • 2017, Erin Emily Ann Vance, "Why Women Are Leaving Feminism", Flurt, Winter 2017, page 19:
      Lauren discusses these issues with FeMRAs – female men's rights activists – something that seems like a completely foreign concept in a book about saving feminism.
    • 2019, Ana Jordan, The New Politics of Fatherhood: Men's Movements and Masculinities, page 197:
      At the same time, ‘good’ women who actively participate in MRGs (‘feMRAs’, or female men’s rights activists) are (a) held up as evidence that men’s rights activism is not anti-women and (b) enrolled to ‘legitimize claims that would likely be viewed as being clearly more offensive if put forward by men’ (Gotell and Dutton 2016: 74).
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:feMRA.

