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football +‎ -ification



footballification (uncountable)

  1. The act or process of footballifying.
    • 2015 July 22, Suze Clemitson, “Chris Froome, Team Sky and the rise of the tribal fan at the Tour de France”, in The Guardian:
      There’s a sea change going on in cycling, a kind of footballification of support, as a non-traditional team sport is shoehorned into a one-size-fits-all model.
    • 2022 June 6, John Nicholson, “Raging royalism is just another example of footballification: Do you support Queen FC?”, in Football 365:
      This is footballification – the ‘my club right or wrong’ modus operandi and it has leaked into other areas of society. You will have seen the sack of stained washing that passes for the Prime Minister getting booed as he went into St Paul’s with his wife. Within hours this had been subjected to footballification and a defence of the PM had been invented.
    • 2024 January 26, Stacey Henley, “What Are The Positives Of Palworld’s Success?”, in The Gamer:
      It’s not just the debates around the ‘stolen’ designs, or the potential threat of a lawsuit from Nintendo (and the footballification of this issue).