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fun +‎ -ification



funnification (uncountable)

  1. The process of making (something) fun.
    • 2002, Renny Ramakers, Less + More: Droog Design in Context, page 219:
      Functional and economical thinking is too limited and the shallow 'funnification' of our culture that compensates for this even more so.
    • 2005 March 14, Jeremiah Scott, “1964 Ford Fairlane 500 - Fairlane Funnification”, in Motor Trend:
      (see title)
    • 2010, Hubert Hermans, ‎Agnieszka Hermans-Konopka, Dialogical Self Theory, page 291:
      The process of funnification taking place at the level of the self can be seen as analogous to the concept of "McDonalization" [sic] (Ritzer, 2000) on the societal level.
    • 2011, Erica Hayes, Blood Cursed, page 17:
      And then...well, the demon lord already likes Diamond's sense of funnification.
  2. The process of making (something) funny.
    • 2001, Linda Woodbridge, Vagrancy, Homelessness, and English Renaissance Literature, page 20:
      Situating vagrants in comic genres, in line with long-standing literary conventions involving the social hierarchy, promoted what I will call the " funnification" of poverty.
    • 2024, Joel Morris, Be Funny or Die:
      The exciting thing is that this mental process of 'funnification' applies to stuff in familiar comic forms (a clever satirical takedown of a politician we dislike, a succinct and recognisable nailing of an everyday experience, an ingenious pun, a neat turn of phrase, a precisely observed parody), but also to mad stuff that makes us laugh like drains, but which we cannot immediately explain.