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Blend of glam +‎ vampire.





glampire (plural glampires)

  1. (slang, sometimes used attributively) A glamorous or beautiful vampire; a person who pretends to be a vampire.
    • 2009 November 19, Aaron Mesh, “Women Who Run With the Werewolves: New Moon Reviewed”, in Willamette Week:
      Well, it's basically a supernatural Dawson's Creek—a humiliatingly addictive soap opera in the meadows, with glampire Edward (Pattinson) as Dawson and Native American beefcake Jacob (Taylor Lautner) as Pacey.
    • 2011, Hannah Jayne, Under Wraps, Kensington Books, →ISBN, page 171:
      “Because they couldn't even tell a real vampire from a glampire. Lucy didn't know anything.”
    • 2011, Drew Magary, The Postmortal[1], Penguin Books, →ISBN:
      [] Anyway, you have to go to Annandale today. It's your cure day surprise. You get to kill a glampire."
      "Christ. One of those vampire poseurs?"
      "Oh yes. With the white face paint and dopey satanic rituals and everything. []
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:glampire.

See also
