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See also: gutter dog





gutter +‎ dog



gutterdog (plural gutterdogs)

  1. Alternative spelling of gutter dog
    • 1903, Richard Harding Davis, The Bar Sinister[1], Read Books Ltd, published 2015, →ISBN:
      “Go to the devil!” they bark at me. “Get out!” And when I walk away they shout “Mongrel!” and “Gutterdog!” and sometimes, after my back is turned, they rush me.
    • 1998 November 15, Nostra, soc.culture.indian[2] (Usenet):
      You are nothing but a pissed off arsehole who should call himself Arselord. You stinking gutterdog swine.
    • 2001 April 12, Michael Brown, “Can you defer feats until you're a higher level?”, in[3] (Usenet):
      There is a difference between entertaining mockery and low-class gutterdog wallowing. You have embraced the latter, unrepentantly. Vulgar invective such as yours of late is the recourse of someone with *nothing* to offer the world.
    • 2009, Piranha Bytes, Risen, PC, level/area: Harbour town, chapter 1:
      Captain Romanov: Let's see who they're sending me now... you another gutterdog, errand boy?