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From height +‎ hon (a trans woman who does not pass).



heighthon (plural heighthons)

  1. (4chan /lgbt/ slang, derogatory) A trans woman who is clockable due to being significantly taller than a typical cis woman.
    • 2017 April 11, anonymous author, 4chan[1], /lgbt/:
      >tfw 5'10 (literally 98 percentile for white women and 99.9999 percentile for non-white women)
      >tfw 11 US women's shoe size (like 99 percentile for ALL women)
      Forever a heighthon/foothon.
    • 2021 September 23, @petrichoror, Twitter[2], archived from the original on 2023-07-05:
      random old lady i passed on the street: "hey do you play basketball?" "no, why?" "because you’re so tall, you look like you’d be good at it!" i hate being a heighthon
    • 2022 June 7, @AyumuKasugaFan, Twitter[3], archived from the original on 2022-06-08:
      idk how bad my face looks tbh, im trying to fix my face but im a heighthon, im 6'3 💀💀
    • 2022 June 29, @silly_boymoder, Twitter[4]:
      5'6 is the average for cis woman. u r bdd. meanwhile im an actual heighthon(174cm)
    • 2023 February 1, @AmooliaGang, Twitter[5], archived from the original on 2023-07-05:
      Tfw I will never be a 5'3 cisoid woman who has her bf grab things for her. Doomed to be a heighthon and get the spices from the top rack myself
    • 2023 February 2, @epistemophagy, Twitter[6]:
      Nah she's implying anyone over 6' is a heighthon.

See also
