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imbrace (third-person singular simple present imbraces, present participle imbracing, simple past and past participle imbraced or (archaic) imbrast)

  1. Obsolete spelling of embrace.
    • 1557, unknown, “The Louer Refused of His Loue Imbraceth Death”, in Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey et al., edited by Edward Arber, Tottel’s Miscellany. Songes and Sonettes [] (English Reprints; 24), London: [Edward Arber]; Muir & Paterson, printers, [], published 15 August 1870, →OCLC, page 168:
      The louer refused of his loue imbraceth death. [poem title]
    • 1576, Iohannes Caius [i.e., John Caius], “Dogges of a Course Kind Seruing for Many Necessary Uses, Called in Latine Canes Rustici, and First of the Shepherds Dogge, Called in Latine Canis Pastoralis”, in Abraham Fleming, transl., Of Englishe Dogges, the Diuersities, the Names, the Natures, and the Properties. [], imprinted at London: By [John Charlewood for] Rychard Johnes, [], →OCLC; republished London: Printed by A. Bradley, [], 1880, →OCLC, page 31:
      There was no faynting faith in that Dogge, which when his Master by a mischaunce in hunting stumbled and fell toppling downe a deepe dytche beyng vnable to recouer of himselfe, the Dogge signifying his masters mishappe, reskue came, and he was hayled up by a rope, whom the Dogge seeying almost drawne up to the edge of the dytche, cheerefully saluted, leaping and skipping vpon his master as though he would haue imbraced hym, beying glad of his presence, whose longer absence he was lothe to lacke.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, “(please specify the book)”, in The Faerie Queene. [], London: [] [John Wolfe] for William Ponsonbie, →OCLC:
      There with great joyance and with gladsome glee, / Of faire Paeana I received was, / And oft imbrast, as if that I were hee []
    • 1594, Christopher Marlowe, Thomas Nash[e], The Tragedie of Dido Queene of Carthage: [], London: [] Widdowe Orwin, for Thomas Woodcocke, [], →OCLC, Act IV, signature E2, verso:
      The dreames (braue mates) that did beſet my bed, / VVhen ſleepe but nevvly had imbraſt the night, / Commaunds me leaue theſe unrenovvmed beames, []
    • c. 1597 (date written), [William Shakespeare], The History of Henrie the Fourth; [], quarto edition, London: [] P[eter] S[hort] for Andrew Wise, [], published 1598, →OCLC, [Act V, scene ii]:
      I will imbrace him with a ſouldiour's arme, / That he ſhall ſhrinke vnder my curteſie, []
    • 1611, The Holy Bible, [] (King James Version), London: [] Robert Barker, [], →OCLC, Acts 20:1, column 1:
      And after the vprore was ceaſed, Paul called vnto him the diſciples, and imbraced them, & departed, for to go into Macedonia.
    • 1644, J[ohn] M[ilton], chapter VI, in The Doctrine or Discipline of Divorce: [], 2nd edition, London: [s.n.], →OCLC, book I, page 14:
      [] Love, though not wholly blind, as Poets wrong him, yet having but one eye, as being born an Archer aiming, and that eye not the quickeſt in this dark region here below, which is not Loves proper ſphere, partly out of the ſimplicity, and credulity which is native to him, often deceiv'd, imbraces and comforts him with theſe obvious and ſuborned ſtriplings, as if they were his Mothers own Sons, for ſo he thinks them, while they ſuttly keep themſelves moſt on his blind ſide.
    • 1667, John Milton, “Book IV”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker []; [a]nd by Robert Boulter []; [a]nd Matthias Walker, [], →OCLC; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, →OCLC, lines 772–774:
      Theſe lulld by Nightingales imbraceing ſlept, / And on thir naked limbs the flourie roof / Showrd Roſes, which the Morn, repair'd.
    • 1678, John Bunyan, The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World, to That which is to Come: [], London: [] Nath[aniel] Ponder [], →OCLC, page 164:
      Let Ignorance a little while now muſe / On what is ſaid, and let him not refuſe / Good counſel to imbrace, leſt he remain / Still Ignorant of what's the chiefeſt gain.
    • 1686, [formerly attributed to Augustine of Hippo], “The Accusation of Man, and the Commendation and Praise of the Divine Mercy”, in [John Floyd], transl., The Meditations, Soliloquia, and Manual of the Glorious Doctor St. Augustine. Translated into English, London: Printed for Matthew Turner [], →OCLC, page 6:
      Thou doſt reduce me when I err; thou ſtayeſt for me when I am dull; thou imbraceſt me when I return; thou teacheſt me when I am ignorant; []
    • a. 1705, John Locke, “Of the Conduct of the Understanding”, in Posthumous Works of Mr. John Locke: [], London: Printed by W. B. for A[ugustus] and J[ohn] Churchill [], published 1706, →OCLC, §34, page 105:
      [I]f a Man can be perſuaded and fully aſſur'd of any thing for a Truth, without having examin'd, what is there that he may not imbrace for Truth; and if he has given himſelf up to believe a Lye, what means is there left to recover one who can be aſſur'd without examining.



imbrace (plural imbraces)

  1. Obsolete spelling of embrace.

