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intemperate +‎ -ness



intemperateness (uncountable)

  1. The quality of being intemperate.
    • 1897, George Meredith, Beauchamp's Career, Complete[1]:
      She objected to Beauchamp's intemperateness and unsparingness, as if she was for conveying a sisterly warning to Cecilia; and that being off her mind, she added, smiling a little and colouring a little: 'We learn only from men what men are.'
    • 1912, Jose Rizal, The Reign of Greed[2]:
      Besides the intemperateness of the demand," went on the Dominican, "besides the fact that it is in the nature of an infringement on our prerogatives--" Padre Sibyla dared not go on, but looked at Simoun. "