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Classical Nahuatl


Alternative forms







  1. grandchild
  2. a polite term for a ruler
    • c. 1609, Tezozomoc, Chimalpahin, Cronica mexicayotl, f. 32r–v.
      quilhuia. totecuiyoye noxhuiuhtzine. tlacatle tlahtohuanie timitztotlalcahualtizque. timitztotlapololtizque. yn timomacehualhuan. ca mitzmotlatlauhtilia. yn mocolhuan
      (They said to him: Our lord, my grandson, lord, ruler, we [do not wish to] make you forgetful, to confuse and distract you, we who are your subjects. We beg you, we your grandfathers)
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Usage notes

  • Usually occurs with a possessive prefix.


  • Andrews, J. Richard (2003) Workbook for Introduction to Classical Nahuatl, rev. ed. edition, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, page 231
  • Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, Domingo Francisco de San Antón Muñón (1997) Arthur J. O. Anderson, Susan Schroeder, transl., Codex Chimalpahin, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, pages vol. 1, pp. 60–61, 96–97
  • Karttunen, Frances (1983) An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl, Austin: University of Texas Press, page 114
  • Lockhart, James (2001) Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts, Stanford: Stanford University Press, page 221