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Old Tupi



  • IPA(key): [kɛ.ɾɛjˈwa]
  • Rhymes: -a
  • Hyphenation: ke‧reî‧ûá



kereîûá (unpossessable)

  1. banded cotinga (Cotinga maculata)
    • 1618, Antônio de Araújo, “Da criação do mundo, dos Anjos, & ſua cahida” (chapter II), in Cateciſmo na Lingoa Braſilica [], Livro Segundo do Cathecismo, e summa da Doctrina Christam [ ] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Pedro Crasbeeck, page 37v:
      D. Aob querêjuâ coaracî çocé / Oberabae nungara, T. remimotara rupî / Acê moingoçára.
      [D. Aokereîûá kûarasy sosé oberaba'e nungara, Tupã remimotara rupi asé moingosara.]
      D. Like banded cotinga clothes that shine more than the sun, that make us be in accordance with God's will.


  • Brazilian Portuguese: crejoá


  • Eduardo de Almeida Navarro (2013) “kereîûá”, in Dicionário de tupi antigo: a língua indígena clássica do Brasil [Dictionary of Old Tupi: the classical indigenous language of Brazil] (overall work in Portuguese), São Paulo: Global, →ISBN, page 227, column 1
  • Nelson Papavero, Dante Martins Teixeira (2014) “Catálogo da fauna da costa brasileira no século XVI com os nomes tupis registrados pelos autores europeus [16th century catalogue of the Brazilian coast's fauna as documented by European authors]”, in Zoonímia tupi nos escritos quinhentistas europeus [Tupian zoonymy in 16th century European writings] (Arquivos NEHiLP; 3) (overall work in Portuguese), São Paulo: FFLCH-USP, →DOI, →ISBN, →ISSN, page 248