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See also: Larry



Etymology 1




larry (plural larries)

  1. Dated form of lorry.
    • 1838 February 16, Fred[eric]k W. Karstadt, W. Mellush, “Minutes of Evidence”, in Report from the Select Committee on Railroad Communication; [], [London]: Ordered, by the House of Commons [of the United Kingdom], to be printed, published 28 March 1838, →OCLC, paragraph 1183, page 103:
      In order that these very important mails might not be unnecessarily delayed, we procured an express engine, and having, as is customary in such cases, fastened those for Manchester and the North on a larry between the engine and the Post-office, they being too bulky to travel in the latter, we departed at 8.10, [] On our arrival at the next station, Crewe, we were much alarmed at the intelligence received from the engineer, that one of the bags on the larry, which proved to be the Carlisle, was on fire: []
    • 1916 December 7, “Youngstown’s New Coke Oven Plant”, in A. I. Findley, Geo[rge] W. Cope, W. W. Macon, editors, The Iron Age, volume 98, number 23, New York, N.Y.: David Williams Co., →OCLC, page 1271:
      The mixing 48-in. belts lie flat and run from the bottom of the mixer bins to two coal mixers which deliver the coal to a reversing 42-in. belt conveyor, taking it to either one of two 36-in. belts, running to the top of two larry bins. Each larry bin is located between two batteries of ovens, [] Under the larry bins are provided platform scales which enable the larry operator to fill his larry with the exact amount of coal to charge an oven.
    • 1936 July, W. J. Fene, C. W. Owings, “Cases of Explosions in Tipples and Cleaning Plants”, in Explosions of Coal Dust in Tipples and Cleaning Plants and Some Suggestions on Preventing Them (United States Bureau of Mines Information Circular; 6895), Washington, D.C.: Bureau of Mines, United States Department of the Interior, →OCLC, pages 4 and 5:
      [page 4] [T]he larry had been filled to overflowing. When the controller was moved to the third point there was a jarring of the larry, which shook off more of the fine coal and created a dust cloud that enveloped the larry. This dust cloud was ignited by an arc at the wheels. The flame enveloped the larry and the operator, who was standing at the footboard at the controls. He received severe burns on the hands, forearms, face, and neck. [] page 5] Coal dust should be kept from tracks on which electric locomotives or slate larries travel.

Etymology 2




larry (uncountable)

  1. (British dialect) A confused noise; an uproar; a hubbub.