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Alternative forms




Compound of lille (little) +‎ lördag (Saturday). From the practice of giving servants a free day in the middle of the week, so they could work for their employers during the weekends.



lillelördag c

  1. (obsolete) A day in the middle of the week, usually Wednesday, during which the servants had time off.
  2. (informal) A day in the middle of the week, usually Wednesday (cf. hump day), during which one indulges in something a bit nicer that usually only happens during the weekend, such as a restaurant visit or festivities.
    • 2024 March 27, Birgitta Thulin, Familjerna, Lindhardt og Ringhof, →ISBN:
      Eftersom det var onsdagskväll, lillelördag, så var dansbanan packad av ungdomar i sina bästa kläder. [] Dessutom var det bara lillelördag, ingen vanlig lördag när man kunde sova ut på söndagsmorgonen.
      Since it was Wednesday evening, [little Saturday], the dance floor was packed with young people in their best clothes. [] Plus, it was only [little Saturday], not a regular Saturday when one could sleep in on Sunday morning.

Usage notes


A (jocular) excuse for drinking on a Wednesday in contemporary usage.


Declension of lillelördag 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative lillelördag lillelördagen lillelördagar lillelördagarna
Genitive lillelördags lillelördagens lillelördagars lillelördagarnas

