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From mḏd (to strike true, to stay true to, to drive in, to share out, to impose as an obligation) +‎ -w. The exact sense is disputed, with a number of proposed hypotheses, but it must certainly be related to Khufu’s Two Ladies name mḏd-r-nbtj, itself of disputed interpretation. Baud takes the term as an active participle synonymous with the epithet šzp-mḏd.f ((he who) receives his dues), or alternatively suggests an interpretation such as ‘he who reaches the goal’, but rejects earlier suggestions by Montet (‘he who imposes’), Sethe (‘faithful, attached’), Barta (‘he who is guided, directed’), and Gundlach (‘he who shares out’). Leprohon interprets it as a passive participle, ‘[he] who has been adhered to/followed’ (= ‘stayed true to’).



Proper noun



  1. A serekh name notably borne by Khufu, a pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty

Alternative forms


