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From meow +‎ -like.



meowlike (comparative more meowlike, superlative most meowlike)

  1. Resembling or characteristic of a meow.
    • 1991, Peter Hedges, What's Eating Gilbert Grape; republished United States: RosettaBooks, 2014 November 12, →ISBN:
      The “cat” answers back with a meowlike “Yes.”
    • 2007 November 30, Leslie Day, Field Guide to the Natural World of New York City, Johns Hopkins University Press, →ISBN, page 216:
      The gray catbird belongs to the mockingbird family [] . They are named for their meowlike calls.
    • 2011 October 24, Fern Michaels, Holly Chamberlin, Kristina McMorris, Leslie Meier, A Winter Wonderland, Zebra Books, →ISBN, page 26:
      A loud meowlike sound startled her.