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Old Tupi




Cognate with Guaraní ñu.


  • IPA(key): [ˈɲũ]
  • Rhymes:
  • Hyphenation: nhũ



nhũ (?)

  1. field, plain, meadow
    • 1686 [1618], Antônio de Araújo, “Da creaçaõ do primeiro homem” (chapter 3), in Bartolomeu de Leão, editor, Cateciſmo Braſilico da Doutrina Chriſtãa [Brazilian Catechism of the Christian Doctrine], 2 edition, Cateciſmo [] (overall work in Old Tupi, Portuguese, and Latin), Lisbon: Miguel Deslandes, page 47:
      M. Umãmepe Tupã aipó iandé rubypy retérâma monhânghi?
      D. Nhum Damaſceno ceríbäé pupé.
      [M. Umãmepe Tupã aîpó îandé rubypy reterama monhangi?
      D. Nhũ Damasceno seryba'e pupé.]
      M. Where did God make what would become the body of this our first father?
      D. In a field called Damascene.

Derived terms



  • Nheengatu: nhũ

Further reading
