nunca choveu que non escampara

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Literally, it has never rained that it didn't get clear, implying that every bad season will eventually end.



nunca choveu que non escampara

  1. the longest day must have an end; when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
    • 2011, Francisco Castro Veloso, In vino veritas, Editorial Galaxia, →ISBN, page 285:
      Xa sabes, nunca choveu que non escampara. Todo pasa. Neste mundo todo dura dous días ou tres, non máis, incluso as cousas máis tráxicas e terribles rematan esquecéndose axiña
      You know, the longest day must have an end. Everything passes. In this world everything lasts two or three days, no more; even the most tragic and terrible things are forgotten right away

