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From outo +‎ -ón, from Latin altus (high).[1]





outón m (plural outóns)

  1. gable
    • 1433, Ángel Rodríguez (ed.), Minutario notarial de Pontevedra, p. 43:
      A qual dita casa se parte por costãa de parede con outra casa de Rui Martiis Touriño da hũa parte, et da outra parte se parte por parede con o eixido et casa que de min comprou Fernan Cerviño et vay entestar por outon de parede aa orta de Ynes Alvares
      this house limits are: by a wall with another house of Roi Martiz Touriño; and by the other side it limits with the exit and house that was bought from me by Fernán Cerviño, and it limits by the gable end with the garden of Inés Álvarez
    Synonym: outoeira
  2. gable end, side wall of a house


  1. ^ Joan Coromines, José A. Pascual (1983–1991) “alto I”, in Diccionario crítico etimológico castellano e hispánico (in Spanish), Madrid: Gredos