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From scient(ific) +‎ -ify.



scientify (third-person singular simple present scientifies, present participle scientifying, simple past and past participle scientified)

  1. (transitive) To make scientific; to subject to scientific rules.
    Synonym: scientize
    • 1851, James O'Connell, Vestiges of Civilization: Or, the Ætiology of History, Religious, Æsthetical, Political, and Philosophical, New York: H. Baillière, page 183:
      I am aware it is not so flattering to scientify men into atoms, as if, with others, I were to mystify them into angels. But I can only regret to find it impossible to humour them in this serious matter, consistly with their own interest and that of truth.
    • 2013 October 22, Alan Levinovitz, “Chairman Mao Invented Traditional Chinese Medicine”, in Slate[1]:
      Textbooks were written that portrayed Chinese medicine as a theoretical and practical whole, and they were taught in newly founded academies of so-called “traditional Chinese medicine,” [] . Needless to say, the academies were anything but traditional, striving valiantly to “scientify” the teachings of classics that often contradicted one another and themselves.