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slow +‎ foxtrot



slowfox (plural slowfoxes)

  1. (music) A slow foxtrot.
    • 1980, Grove, George, Sir, 1820-1900. Dictionary of music and musicians, Sadie, Stanley, The New Grove dictionary of music and musicians[1]:
      During the 1920s it developed into two distinct styles, a slow dance in the English style (later called simply the ‘foxtrot’ in English-speaking countries and France and the ‘slowfox’ in German-speaking countries) and the ‘quickstep’ (in German-speaking countries called the ‘foxtrott’).
    • 1988, Viebahn, Fred, 1947-, The Stain[2]:
      When the music changed to a slowfox, she threw me a strange glance, then went cheek to cheek, whispering into the guy’s ear.
    • 1995, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra concert programs, 1994-1995, Subscription, Volume 02, Season 114[3]:
      Suddenly the tempo changes to that of a "Slowfox," as the score says — that is, the current dance rage, the fox-trot — and a light-textured central passage begins to swing more and more intensely, finally breaking out again in the fast opening material that brings the concerto to its invigorating close.
    • 2017, Grøndahl, Jens Christian, 1959- author, Often I am happy : a novel[4]:
      I asked him if he would teach me how to dance a slowfox.