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territelarian (plural not attested)

  1. (rare, obsolete) A spider that spins a web on the ground.
    • 1890, Henry Christopher McCook, American Spiders and Their Spinning Work: Motherhood and babyhood: life and death:
      Arthrolycosa antiqua is probably a Territelarian.
    • 1891, “Defenses of Burrowing Spiders”, in The Popular Science Monthly, volume 38:
      One of the most curious examples of relation of structure to enemies, or perhaps of the reaction of hostile environment and agents upon structure, is found in a territelarian spider (Cyclocosmia truncata).
    • 1907, Henri Coupin, The Romance of Animal Arts and Crafts:
      Our British Territelarian, then, excavates a dwelling and covers the walls with silken tapestry, which is continued through the doorway into the open air in the form of a long, narrow bag.

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