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From un- +‎ complicit.



uncomplicit (not comparable)

  1. Not complicit.
    • 2008, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet: Updated with a New Preface, University of California Press, →ISBN, page 199:
      But the prurient exactitude of the female fit, as of a creature bred for sexual sacrifice without resistance or leftovers, drains the authority of the novel to make an uncomplicit judgment on Tommy's representative value.
    • 2009 May 21, Raymond Boyle, Power Play: Sport, the Media and Popular Culture, Edinburgh University Press, →ISBN, page 172:
      And of course the expansion of the sports industry and the range of commercial and political stakeholders involved also mean that rigorous, uncomplicit journalism is required in this area as never before. This presents a major ethical ...
    • 2020 November 17, Rob Steen, Jed Novick, Huw Richards, Routledge Handbook of Sports Journalism, Routledge, →ISBN, page 269:
      As Boyle and Haynes have argued: The challenge for sports journalists working, for example, in the UK is to offer uncomplicit, informative and entertaining journalism against the backdrop of an increasingly commercial and privatized media system.