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vänster (left) + English kid, i.e. literally left-kid or leftist-kid.



vänsterkid n

  1. (slang, derogatory) A young leftist; a young person, often a teenager, with strong left-wing political views and a strong and passionate interest in politics, sometimes at the level of an activist.
    Hon är bara 15 och kräver rösträtt för att kunna rösta på feministerna? Jävlar vilket vänsterkid du har som dotter!
    She is just 15 and demands suffrage in order to vote for the feminists? Geez, what a leftist kid you have for a daughter!

Usage notes


The term vänsterkid is almost universally considered a pejorative as the suffix kid is meant to imply inexperience, irresponsibility, and inability to use and apply critical thinking. It is mainly used by advocates of right-wing politics to refer to an alleged stereotype of teenagers jumping on the bandwagon by adopting left-wing views.

