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Old Novgorodian




By surface analysis, *хѣре (*xěre, gray) +‎ (). Possibly inherited from Proto-Slavic *śěrь (grey cloth), from *śěrъ (gray) with pre-secondarily palatalized *x-. Compare Old Czech šěř, Czech šer (grey cloth, linsey-woolsey, pathetic clothes).[1] First attested in c. 1360‒1380.

It was mistakenly assumed to be borrowed from Middle Low German gêre, gere, gir (wedge-shaped piece of cloth).[1]



хѣрь (xěrĭf[2]

  1. grey cloth, linsey-woolsey
    Synonym: водмоле (vodmole)
    • c. 1360‒1380, Берестяная грамота № 130 [Birchbark letter no. 130]‎[3], Novgorod:
      у вигарѧ :к҃: локото хѣри беꙁо локти у валита в кюлолакши :і҃:д҃: локти хѣри у ваиваса у ваѧкшина :і҃в҃: локти водмолу и поло третиѧ нацате локти хѣри у мѣлита в куролѣ :д҃: локти хѣри
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Zaliznyak, Andrey (2004) “Отсутствие эффекта второй регрессивной палатализации”, in Древненовгородский диалект [Old Novgorod dialect]‎[1] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, →ISBN, page 43
  2. ^ Zaliznyak, Andrey (2004) Древненовгородский диалект [Old Novgorod dialect]‎[2] (in Russian), 2nd edition, Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, →ISBN, page 815

Further reading

  • хѣрь”, in Берестяные грамоты – Национальный корпус русского языка [Birchbark Letters – Russian National Corpus], https://ruscorpora.ru/, 2003–2024