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טרף (transliteration needed)

  1. to strike, to knock
  2. to tire, to wear out


ט־ר־ף (ṭ-r-p)



טֶרֶף (térefm

  1. prey
    • Tanach, Numbers 23:24, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      הֶן־עָם כְּלָבִיא יָקוּם וְכַאֲרִי יִתְנַשָּׂא לֹא יִשְׁכַּב עַד־יֹאכַל טֶרֶף וְדַם־חֲלָלִים יִשְׁתֶּה׃
      hen 'am k-laví yaqúm v-kha-arí yotnassá lo yishkáv 'ad yokhál ṭéref v-dam ḥalalím yishte
      Behold a people that riseth up as a lioness, and as a lion doth he lift himself up; he shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain.
    • a. 500 C.E., Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 47b:
      מִשֶּׁרַבּוּ צָרֵי עַיִן וְטוֹרְפֵי טֶרֶף
      mi-she-rabú tsaréi 'áyin v-ṭorféi ṭéref
      since the increase of those of inimical eye and tearers of prey
  2. food
    • Tanach, Psalms 111:5, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      טֶרֶף נָתַן לִירֵאָיו יִזְכֹּר לְעוֹלָם בְּרִיתוֹ׃
      ṭéref natán li-yre-av; yizkór l-'olam brit-ó
      He hath given food unto them that fear Him; He will ever be mindful of His covenant.



טָרַף (taráf) (pa'al construction, passive counterpart נִטְרַף)

  1. to murder, devour, to tear into.
    • Tanach, Genesis 37:33, with translation of the Jewish Publication Society:
      וַיַּכִּירָהּ וַיֹּאמֶר כְּתֹנֶת בְּנִי חַיָּה רָעָה אֲכָלָתְהוּ טָרֹף טֹרַף יוֹסֵף׃
      va-yakiráh va-yomér któnet bní ḥayyá ra'á akhaláthu ṭaróf ṭoráf yoséf
      And he knew it, and said: ‘It is my son’s coat; an evil beast hath devoured him; Joseph is without doubt torn in pieces.
    • a. 500 C.E., Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 47b:
      מִשֶּׁרַבּוּ צָרֵי עַיִן וְטוֹרְפֵי טֶרֶף
      mi-she-rabú tsaréi 'áyin v-ṭorféi ṭéref
      since the increase of those of inimical eye and tearers of prey
  2. to beat, scramble, or shuffle





טָרֵף (taréf) (feminine טְרֵפָה, masculine plural טְרֵפִים, feminine plural טְרֵפוֹת)

  1. treyf, non-kosher (forbidden according to halakhic practice)


  • טרף” in the Hebrew Terms Database of the Academy of Hebrew Language

