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Borrowed from Arabic عُنْفُوَان (ʕunfuwān).



Classical reading? unfuwān
Dari reading? unfuwān
Iranian reading? onfovân
Tajik reading? unfuvon



عنفوان (onfovân)

  1. prime, splendor (of youth)
    • c. 1156, Nizāmī Arūzī, چهار مقاله [The Four Discourses]‎[1]:
      اما شاعر بدین درجه نرسد الا که در عنفوان شباب و در روزگار جوانی بیست هزار بیت از اشعار متقدمان یاد گیرد و ده هزار کلمه از آثار متأخران پیش چشم کند و پیوسته دواوین استادان همی‌خواند و یاد همی‌گیرد []
      ammā šā'ir bad-īn daraja na-rasad illā ki dar unfuwān-i šabāb u dar rōzgār-i jawānī bīst hazār bayt az aš'ār-i mutaqaddimān yād gīrad u dah hazār kalama az āsār-i muta'axxirān pēš-i čašm kunad u paywasta dawāwīn-i ustādān hamē xwānad u yād hamē gīrad []
      But the poet cannot arrive at this station unless, in the prime of his youngness and the days of his youth, he learns twenty thousand verses from the works of the ancients, looks at ten thousand sentences from the works of the moderns, and always recites and learns the divans of the masters []
      (Classical Persian romanization)