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Alternative forms




From Proto-Italic *adfakjō. Equivalent to ad- +‎ faciō (do, make).





afficiō (present infinitive afficere, perfect active affēcī, supine affectum); third conjugation iō-variant

  1. to cause someone to experience something; to visit, inflict, bestow [with ablative ‘something’ and accusative ‘on someone’]
    iniūriā afficere aliquemto wrong someone
    laude afficere aliquemto praise someone
    dolōre afficīto feel pain
  2. to treat, manage, handle
  3. to influence, have an effect on
    Synonyms: perpellō, īnfluō
  4. to attack, afflict, weaken, impair
    Synonyms: atterō, frangō, effēminō, tenuō, minuō, dēterō, cōnsūmō
    Antonyms: firmō, cōnfirmō, mūniō, fortificō, cōnsolidō, sistō


   Conjugation of afficiō (third conjugation -variant)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present afficiō afficis afficit afficimus afficitis afficiunt
imperfect afficiēbam afficiēbās afficiēbat afficiēbāmus afficiēbātis afficiēbant
future afficiam afficiēs afficiet afficiēmus afficiētis afficient
perfect affēcī affēcistī affēcit affēcimus affēcistis affēcērunt,
pluperfect affēceram affēcerās affēcerat affēcerāmus affēcerātis affēcerant
future perfect affēcerō affēceris affēcerit affēcerimus affēceritis affēcerint
passive present afficior afficeris,
afficitur afficimur afficiminī afficiuntur
imperfect afficiēbar afficiēbāris,
afficiēbātur afficiēbāmur afficiēbāminī afficiēbantur
future afficiar afficiēris,
afficiētur afficiēmur afficiēminī afficientur
perfect affectus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect affectus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect affectus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present afficiam afficiās afficiat afficiāmus afficiātis afficiant
imperfect afficerem afficerēs afficeret afficerēmus afficerētis afficerent
perfect affēcerim affēcerīs affēcerit affēcerīmus affēcerītis affēcerint
pluperfect affēcissem affēcissēs affēcisset affēcissēmus affēcissētis affēcissent
passive present afficiar afficiāris,
afficiātur afficiāmur afficiāminī afficiantur
imperfect afficerer afficerēris,
afficerētur afficerēmur afficerēminī afficerentur
perfect affectus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect affectus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present affice afficite
future afficitō afficitō afficitōte afficiuntō
passive present afficere afficiminī
future afficitor afficitor afficiuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives afficere affēcisse affectūrum esse afficī,
affectum esse affectum īrī
participles afficiēns affectūrus affectus afficiendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
afficiendī afficiendō afficiendum afficiendō affectum affectū

1The present passive infinitive in -ier is a rare poetic form which is attested.

Derived terms



  • English: affect


  • affĭcĭo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • adfĭcio in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette, page 35.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • a thing makes a pleasant impression on the senses: aliquid sensus suaviter afficit
    • to bury a person: sepultura aliquem afficere
    • to be in a dilemma; in difficulties: angustiis premi, difficultatibus affici
    • to suffer loss, harm, damage: damno affici
    • to inconvenience, injure a person: incommodo afficere aliquem
    • to do any one a service or kindness: beneficio aliquem afficere, ornare
    • to remunerate (handsomely): praemiis (amplissimis, maximis) aliquem afficere
    • to praise, extol, commend a person: laude afficere aliquem
    • to confer undying fame on, immortalise some one: aliquem immortali gloria afficere
    • to honour, show respect for, a person: aliquem honore afficere, augere, ornare, prosequi (vid. sect. VI. 11., note Prosequi...)
    • to inflict an indignity upon, insult a person: aliquem ignominia afficere, notare
    • to give pleasure to some one: afficere aliquem gaudio, laetitia
    • to feel pain: dolore affici
    • to be vexed, mortified, anxious: aegritudine, sollicitudine affici
    • to long for a thing, yearn for it: desiderio alicuius rei teneri, affici (more strongly flagrare, incensum esse)
    • to be admired: admiratione affici
    • to wrong a person: iniuria afficere aliquem
    • to insult some one: contumelia aliquem afficere
    • to punish by banishment: aliquem exsilio afficere, multare
    • to enslave a free people: liberum populum servitute afficere
    • to punish some one: poena afficere aliquem (Off. 2. 5. 18)
    • to suffer capital punishment: supplicio (capitis) affici
  • afficiō” on pages 78–79 of the Oxford Latin Dictionary (1st ed., 1968–82)
  • Niermeyer, Jan Frederik (1976) “afficere”, in Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus, Leiden, Boston: E. J. Brill, page 28/1