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Kanji in this term
Grade: S
  • ⟨wodo2ru⟩*/wodəru//wodoru//odoru/

From Old Japanese, with the original meaning of "to jump". First attested in the Nihon Shoki of 720 CE.[1] From Proto-Japonic *wontəru.


  • Tokyo pitch accent of conjugated forms of 「踊る
Source: Online Japanese Accent Dictionary
Stem forms
Terminal (終止形)
Attributive (連体形)
踊る どる [òdórú]
Imperative (命令形) 踊れ どれ [òdóré]
Key constructions
Passive 踊られる どられる [òdórárérú]
Causative 踊らせる どらせる [òdórásérú]
Potential 踊れる どれる [òdórérú]
Volitional 踊ろう どろ [òdóróꜜò]
Negative 踊らない どらない [òdóránáí]
Negative perfective 踊らなかった どらなかった [òdóránáꜜkàttà]
Formal 踊ります どりま [òdórímáꜜsù]
Perfective 踊った どった [òdóttá]
Conjunctive 踊って どって [òdótté]
Hypothetical conditional 踊れば どれ [òdóréꜜbà]



(おど) (odoruをどる (wodoru)?intransitive godan (stem (おど) (odori), past (おど)った (odotta))

  1. [from 1233] to dance
    Synonym: 舞う (mau, more poetic and gentle than 踊る (odoru))
  2. [from 1935] (figurative, usually as a passive) to act in accordance with someone else's plans (see 踊らす)



Derived terms


See also



  1. ^ 躍・踊・跳”, in 日本国語大辞典 [Nihon Kokugo Daijiten]‎[1] (in Japanese), concise edition, Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2006
  2. ^ Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  3. ^ Kindaichi, Kyōsuke et al., editors (1997), 新明解国語辞典 [Shin Meikai Kokugo Jiten] (in Japanese), Fifth edition, Tokyo: Sanseidō, →ISBN
  4. ^ NHK Broadcasting Culture Research Institute, editor (1998), NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典 [NHK Japanese Pronunciation Accent Dictionary] (in Japanese), Tokyo: NHK Publishing, Inc., →ISBN