ваше благородие

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Literally, your nobleness.


  • IPA(key): [ˈvaʂɨ bɫəɡɐˈrodʲɪje]



ва́ше благоро́дие (váše blagoródijen inan (genitive ва́шего благоро́дия, nominative plural ва́ши благоро́дия, genitive plural ва́ших благоро́дий)

  1. your excellency, your honor
    • 1836, Александр Пушкин, “Глава II. Вожатый”, in Капитанская дочка, London: Henry S. King & Co.; English translation from Ekaterina Telfer, transl., The Captain's Daughter, 1875:
      Он проводил меня до кибитки и сказал с низким поклоном: «Спасибо, ваше благородие! Награди вас Господь за вашу добродетель. Век не забуду ваших милостей»
      On provodil menja do kibitki i skazal s nizkim poklonom: «Spasibo, vaše blagorodije! Nagradi vas Gospodʹ za vašu dobrodetelʹ. Vek ne zabudu vašix milostej»
      He accompanied me to the kibitka, and said with a bow:
      "Many thanks, your honour! God reward you for your good deed. I shall never forget your kindness."

Usage notes


In the Russian Empire, used as the form of address for lesser officials and junior military officers (of the 9th–14th rank in the Table of Ranks). In social and foreign context, also used as the form of address for barons, marquises and other lesser nobles; not suitable for royals or greater nobles such as dukes or counts.

