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One form of the letter.
U+16A2, ᚢ






  1. A letter of the Runic alphabet, present in the Elder Fuþark (), the Anglo-Saxon Fuþorc (, called ūr), and the Younger Fuþark (, called úr), representing /u/ or /uː/ and associated with dross of metal (in the Old Norwegian rune poem), rain (in the Old Icelandic one and in a runic rebus from the Old Church in Bø), and the aurochs (in the Anglo-Saxon one).

Old Norse





  1. Runic spelling of ey
    • c. 980–1015, inscription on Karlevi Runestone (Öl 1) (per Swedish runic word index 2006):
      §A + s-a… --(s)- i(a)s · satr · aiftir · si(b)(a) · kuþa · sun · fultars · in hons ·· liþi · sati · at · u · -ausa-þ-… +: fulkin : likr : hins : fulkþu : flaistr (:)· uisi · þat · maistar · taiþir : tulka · þruþar : traukr : i : þaimsi · huki · munat : raiþ:uiþur : raþa : ruk:starkr · i · tanmarku : --ntils : iarmun··kruntar : urkrontari : lonti §B {⁓ IN| |NONIN- ¶ + HE… …}
      §A S[t]æ[inn] [sa]s[i] es sattr æftiʀ Sibba Goða/Guða, sun Fuldars, en hans liði satti at øy (dat.) … … Fulginn liggʀ hinns fylgðu, flæstr vissi þat, mæstaʀ dæðiʀ dolga Þruðaʀ draugʀ i þæimsi haugi; munat Ræið-Viðurr raða rogstarkʀ i Danmarku [Æ]ndils iarmungrundaʀ uʀgrandaʀi landi. §B {In nomin[e](?) Ie[su](?) …}
      §A This stone is set up in memory of Sibbi Góði/Goði, son of Foldarr, and his retinue set on/towards island (dat.) … Hidden lies the one whom followed (most know that) the greatest deeds, Þrud's warrior of battles, in this mound. Never will a more honest, hard-fighting 'wagon-Viðurr' upon Endill's expanses rule the land in Denmark. [This stone is placed in memory of Sibbi the good, Fuldarr's son, and his retinue placed on … He lies concealed, he who was followed by the greatest deeds (most men knew that), a chieftain (battle-tree of [the Goddess] Þrúðr) in this howe; Never again shall such a battle-hardened sea-warrior (Viðurr-of-the-Carriage of [the Sea-king] Endill's mighty dominion ( = God of the vessels of the sea) ), rule unsurpassed over land in Denmark.] §B {In the name of Jesus(?) …}