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From Proto-Slavic *-ъčivъ, *-ьčivъ, a combination of -ък (-ǎk) +‎ -ив (-iv). Cognate with Russian -чи́вый (-čívyj).


-чив (-čiv)

  1. Forms adjectives from nouns, verbal participles/nouns or adjectives with resultant or approximating meaning: -ish, -able
    From verbs:
    влю́бвам се (vljúbvam se, to fall in love)влюбчи́в (vljubčív, amorous)
    доверя́вам се (doverjávam se, to trust)доверчи́в (doverčív, trustful, credulous)
    горя́ (gorjá, to burn)горчи́в (gorčív, bitter)
    възприе́мам (vǎzpriémam, to perceive)възприемчи́в (vǎzpriemčív, perceptive)
    изме́ням (izménjam, to change, alter)изменчи́в (izmenčív, variable)
    отстъ́пя (otstǎ́pja, to retreat, give way)отстъпчи́в (otstǎpčív, compliant)
    From action/abstract nouns:
    о́тзив (ótziv, respond)отзивчи́в (otzivčív, responsive)
    ра́зговор (rázgovor, dialogue, talk)разговорчи́в (razgovorčív, talkative)
    укло́н (uklón, inclination, trend)уклончи́в (uklončív, evasive)
    оби́да (obída, insult)обидчи́в (obidčív, tetchy, resentful)
    From adjectives:
    едностра́нен (ednostránen, unilateral)едностранчи́в (ednostrančív, one-sided)
    усто́ен (ustóen, stable)устойчи́в (ustojčív, resistant, enduring)

Usage notes[edit]

Adjectives formed with the suffix -чив normally denote tendency, liability to do the activity/property that the adjective stem conveys.


Derived terms[edit]