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Alternative forms




14 is from the Fourteen Words, a White nationalist slogan by David Lane. 14-88, 14/88, 88² are all tied to 74 in David's "Pyramid Prophecy" (each 14 Words slogan containing 74 characters and the value 741).

88 has also been used by some (albeit not Lane) to signify HH, an abbreviation of Heil Hitler with the letters replaced by their numerical position in the alphabet.




  1. (neo-Nazism, white supremacy) A neo-Nazi symbol or dog whistle, used to signal one's support for Nazism, or as a greeting or expression of praise.
    • 1997 January 22, "Andrew Apollo" (user), in "Hi, I'm becky" in alt.skinheads, Usenet:
      If you ever encounter a communist/marxist/leninist in a bar, etc, .... you know what to do.
      Just remember, a roll of quarters and/or tin-foil.
      P.S.: Don't forget the phone book
    • 2001 April 20, "Anonymous" (user), "Happy birthday Mein Führer!", in alt.fan.adolf-hitler, Usenet:
      I wish a happy birthday to the one true GOD, Adolf Hitler who awaits the day of reckoning in Valhalla! They will all one day know that you were right Mein Führer and the great day will come when the earth will be cleansed of the filth, the untermennschen, and the world will breath once again because it will be a bright, white, and clean world! Victory or Valhalla!! Heil Hitler! 1488!!!!!!!
    • 2011 August 22, "~M~" (user), "Re: OT: Ron Paul 1488: The Stormfront Candidate", in rec.gambling.poker, Usenet:
      "Wilhelm Kuhlmann" wrote in message
      > We encourage our readers to refer to Mr. Paul as Ron Paul 1488 as
      > often as possible so this name will stick to him. The 14 stands for
      > the Fourteen Words: �We must secure the existence of our people and a
      > future for white children.� H is the eighth letter of the alphabet so
      > 88 stands for Heil Hitler.
      Right. This is really going to hit home with about 14 people, maybe 88.
    • 2017 November 6, Shane Burley, Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It, AK Press, →ISBN:
      For those who found the aggressive racism of the Daily Shoah too light, The Daily Stormer linked up the “1488 crowd”—the more traditional neo-Nazis—with the newest generation of the Alt Right.
    • 2018, Yochai Benkler, Rob Faris, Harold Roberts, Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation, and Radicalization in American Politics, Oxford University Press, →ISBN, page 415:
      Andrew Anglin, "Top Right-Wing Tweeter Jared Wyand Goes Full-1488, Condemns Jews," Daily Stormer, November 21, 2016.
    • 2021 July 27, Gisela Pereyra Doval, Gastón Souroujon, Global Resurgence of the Right: Conceptual and Regional Perspectives, Routledge, →ISBN:
      He had helped “struggling” families with checks for 1488 euros: 14 refers to the supremacist slogan (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”) and 88 is a code for Heil Hitler (twice the eighth letter []

Derived terms


