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Shortening of the standard acronym of Archive of Our Own (AOOO) to account for the three consecutive Os.[1]



Proper noun



  1. (fandom slang) Abbreviation of Archive of Our Own.
    • 2017, Judith May Fathallah, Fanfiction and the Author:How Fanfic Changes Popular Cultural Texts, page 39:
      LiveJournal and AO3 rely largely on tags, whilst has genre and character filters as well as a keyword search.
    • 2020, Milena Popova, “How Tumblr's Temporal Features Shape Community Memory and Knowledge”, in Allison McCracken, Alexander Cho, Louisa Stein, Indira Neill Hoch, editors, A Tumblr Book: Platform and Cultures, page 89:
      The effect of Tumblr's ephemeral timescape was further exacerbated by many Hockey RPF fans' decision to delete works from the AO3.
    • 2021, Talia Hibbert, Act Your Age, Eve Brown, unnumbered page:
      Gosh. Where on earth had that come from? She really needed to read less AO3 smut before bed.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:AO3.


  1. ^ “About the Archive”, in Archive of Our Own[1], 2024 June 13 (last accessed), archived from the original on 2024-05-17