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See also: C++'er



Alternative forms




From C++ +‎ -er.



C++er (plural C++ers)

  1. One who uses the C++ programming language.
    • 1992, Paul DiLascia, Windows++: Writing Reusable Windows Code in C++, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, →ISBN, page 24:
      Non C++-ers have probably noticed the strange-looking WPPoint& return type declaration for all those overloaded operators: / WPPoint& operator++() { ++x; ++y; return *this; } / WPPoint& operator--() { --x; --y; return *this; } / Huh? What’s & doing there?
    • 1993, Object Magazine, volume 3, COOT, Incorporated, page 28:
      Smalltalkers will thus gleefully make ad hominum[sic] attacks by noting the folly of large C++ projects (“Small is beautiful” is the appropriate rallying cry), but C++ers will often counter by pointing out the lack of disciplined development by some Smalltalkers.
    • 1999, Chris Corry, The Waite Group’s COM/DCOM Primer Plus, Sams Publishing, →ISBN, page 142:
      However, for the majority of C++ers, who either didn’t care or were more concerned with building programs than fighting holy wars, MFC hit a chord.
    • 2004, John Deacon, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Pragmatic Approach, Addison-Wesley, →ISBN, pages 318 and 333:
      C++ers will have to mentally pronounce interface as “pABC” (some say “pabs”; some say “pea eh bee sea”). [] And that means, given the findings of the last decade or so, that object-oriented C++ers will not usually be interested in private inheritance. [] And C++ers say member function rather than method.
    • 2004, David West, Object Thinking, Microsoft Press, →ISBN, page 37:
      Disagreement between Smalltalkers and C++ers gains added interest from the fact that both claim to be the direct heirs of another, older, language, SIMULA.
    • 2005, C/C++ Users Journal, page 46:
      This discussion was prompted by an e-mail exchange with Bartosz Milewski, C++er, Seattleite, and chef extraordinaire (I kid you not; Bartosz cooked the best meal I’ve ever eaten, and I’ve been places).