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This Proto-Finnic entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.



Etymology 1


Unclear. Similarity to Germanic words has been noted (compare German Ruhe, Swedish ro, Proto-Germanic *rōō, all of the same meaning) and Schalin (2019) proposes borrowing from Northwest Proto-Germanic *rāwō or Proto-Norse [script needed] (*rāwu) (whence Middle Low German rāwe (peace, tranquility), Old High German rāwa) with a substitution Germanic *VwV → Finnic *VuhV (with a similar substitution probably also in *lauha)[1].




  1. peace, tranquility



Derived terms



  • Estonian: rahu
  • Finnish: rauha
  • Ingrian: rauha
  • Karelian:
  • Livvi: rauhu
  • Võro: rahu, (Seto) rauh
  • Southern Sami: raeffie
  • Ume Sami: [Term?] (raahfee)
  • Pite Sami: ráffe
  • Lule Sami: ráfe
  • Northern Sami: ráfi
  • Skolt Sami: rääuh

Etymology 2


From earlier *rawša, possibly borrowed from Proto-Germanic *hrausā, *hrauzā (whence Old Norse hrœrar). Cognate with Proto-Samic *ruovsē.




  1. gland
  2. swelling






  1. ^ Schalin, Johan: 2019 Niukka, nivo, nuiva sekä niuha, lauha ja rauha. In S. Junttila & J Kuokkala (eds.) Petri Kallio rocks : Liber semisaecularis 7.2.2019 p. 173–183. Kallion etymologiseura. [1]
  2. ^ Kallio, Petri (2020–) “*rauha²”, in Yhteissuomalainen sanasto[2] (in Finnish)
  3. ^ Kallio, Petri (2020–) “*rauha¹”, in Yhteissuomalainen sanasto[3] (in Finnish)
  • Häkkinen, Kaisa (2004) Nykysuomen etymologinen sanakirja [Modern Finnish Etymological Dictionary] (in Finnish), Juva: WSOY, →ISBN

Further reading

  • rahu”, in [ETY] Eesti etümoloogiasõnaraamat [Estonian Etymological Dictionary] (in Estonian) (online version), Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus (Estonian Language Foundation), 2012
  • Itkonen, Erkki, Kulonen, Ulla-Maija, editors (1992–2000), Suomen sanojen alkuperä [The origin of Finnish words]‎[4] (in Finnish) (online version; note: also includes other etymological sources; this source is labeled "SSA 1992–2000"), Helsinki: Institute for the Languages of Finland/Finnish Literature Society, →ISBN