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This Proto-Malayo-Polynesian entry contains reconstructed terms and roots. As such, the term(s) in this entry are not directly attested, but are hypothesized to have existed based on comparative evidence.





From Proto-Austronesian *quzaN (rain).






  1. rain


  • Proto-Philippine: *qudán
    • Northern Luzon
      • Yogad: uran
      • Pangasinic
    • Central Luzon
    • Greater Central Philippine
      • Central Philippine
        • Tagalog: ulán
        • Bikol
          • Coastal Bikol
        • Proto-Bisayan: *qudán
      • Manobo
        • Northern Manobo
      • Danao
    • South Mindanao
  • North Bornean
    • North Sarawakan
  • Barito
    • East Barito
  • Northwest Sumatra
  • Old Javanese: udan
  • Moken: kujan
  • Malayo-Sumbawan
  • South Sulawesi
  • Celebic
  • Palauan: chull
  • Chamorro: uchan
  • Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian
    • Timor-Babar
      • Tetumic
      • South-East Timor
    • Proto-Oceanic: *qusan
      • Admiralty Islands
      • Western Oceanic
        • Meso-Melanesian
          • Bali–Vitu
          • Willaumez
          • New Ireland–Northwest Solomonic
            • Tungag–Nalik
            • Northwest Solomonic
        • North New Guinea
        • Papuan Tip
      • Central-Eastern Oceanic
        • Southeast Solomonic
          • Bugotu–Nggela
          • Malaita–Makira
        • Southern Oceanic
          • North Vanuatu
            • Torres–Banks
            • Espiritu Santo
            • South Pentecost
          • South Vanuatu
            • Central Vanuatu
              • Malakula
              • Ambrym–Paama–Epi
                • Southeast Ambrym: us
                • Bierebo: yua
              • Shepherd–Efate
                • South Efate: us
        • Micronesian
          • Nuclear Micronesian
            • Marshallese: wōt (rain), ute (to rain on)
            • Chuukic-Pohnpeic
              • Chuukic
              • Pohnpeic
                • Mokilese: wud (rain, to rain)
        • Central Pacific
          • West Fijian–Rotuman
            • Rotuman: usa
            • Western Fijian: uca
          • East Fijian–Polynesian
            • Fijian: uca
            • Proto-Polynesian: *quha (rain)
              • Tongic
                • Tongan: ʻuha (rain, to rain, rainy, wet)
                • Niuean: uha
                • Niuafo'ou: ʻua
              • Nuclear Polynesian
                • Samoic–Outlier
                  • Ellicean
                    • Tuvaluan: ua
                    • Kapingamarangi: ua
                    • Nukuoro: ua
                  • Samoic
                    • Samoan: ua
                    • Tokelauan: ua
                • Eastern Polynesian
                  • Marquesic
                    • North Marquesan: ua
                    • Mangarevan: ùa
                    • Hawaiian: ua (rain, to rain, rainy)
                  • Tahitic
                    • Tahitian: ua
                    • Rarotongan: ua
                    • Maori: ua (rain, to rain)
                  • Rapa Nui: ûa